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2.5 years ago
Hello all,
I'm trying to draw a splicing plot which is quite similar to sashimi plot using ggbio.
I know how to use pysashimi and ggsashimi in python, but I want something more adjustable (like adding free text to image) so I come up with ggbio. However, when using plotSpliceSum()
, I can only produce the last chart in the above image.
Can someone explain to me how to draw like attached image?
Thanks for your help.
I can't answer your question for ggbio, but I have done a similar plot for my thesis in R with the Gviz package and the Alignment track. To display the enhancer interactions, I had to generate fake reads to span the cis-regulatory elements and promoters, but in your case you should be able to directly plot your .bam file with Gviz.
Thanks for your help. I will try with Gviz