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2.6 years ago
Dear All, May be a naïve question, but buzzled me. I have a dataset where I created a DGElist object with TMM normalized count, and then estimated the tagwise dispersion from a design matrix.. code looks like :
dgeObj <- calcNormFactors(dgeObj)
design <- model.matrix(~Animal+Status)
y <- estimateDisp(dgeObj, design)
Tagwisedie<- y$tagwise.dispersion
From this code I obtained the 30 genes with the least Tagwise dispersion between two condition
I have also run DE analyses on the same dataset, and obtained the 30 genes that are the least DE between two condition
The question is : Should the 30 genes with least tagwise dispersion is the same as the 30 genes with least DE ?
In my hand it is not .. any comments ? or explanation