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2.6 years ago
Hi bioinformaticians,
I run STAR with this command but I don't see the Bam file output, just a Sam file in the home directory. Would anyone please tell me why? Thank you so much!
STAR --runThreadN 8 \
--runMode alignReads \
--genomeDir /home/doan/hg38/hg38_index \
--readFilesIn /home/doan/data/demo_trimmed.fastq \
--outSAMtype BAM Unsorted
Update. The size of this sam file is 0.
I would also suggest to add
--outBAMcompression 5
so the BAM is actually compressed and not an uncompressed and big waste of disk space. It is worth going through the star manual to see what options it has. As nice as alignment performance is star feels a bit like a little child in the sense that you have to tell it every little detail towards things that should be standard. It does not compress BAM files automatically, it is unable to autodetect gzip-compressed fastq files so you have to tell it to usezcat
explicitely. Things like that.My working directory is also a home directory and I got 3 output files: Aligned.out.sam, Log.out, Log.progress.out. I added --outBAMcompression 5 but still 3 files. STAR is run from a script and then submit to a server.
Sounds odd. Are you missing a
or something before that--outSAMtype BAM Unsorted
line? Please share the exact script. This option is widely used and works if invoked properly.I added STAR command to the end of this script which was written by a server manager.