Hi all,
I am using cytoscape to create a protein interaction network following one of their tutorials.
I have followed everything apart from being unable to select 'query term' for node table columns section when uploading my table with fold change and p-value information. My only options are 'select interaction' or 'select protein'. I chose select protein because a warning came up when I clicked on interaction.
I am able to edit the network in the way I want to apart from changing the node fill colour to continuous mapping for fold change or p-value. There is no colour change when I select these options. I am wondering if anyone has had similar problems and if they would be able to help.
Thanks in advance.
Hi there, That worked thanks so much!
I have a secondary question:
I have now made an interaction network and I am happy with the outcome apart from the fact there is a lot of overlapping of the nodes and therefore you can't read some of the names of the genes stated (see image). Is there a way to format it so that this doesn't happen?