I wanted to follow the tutorial named "Map reads to a reference with alternate contigs like GRCH38" from https://gatk.broadinstitute.org/, which refers to a currently inactive ftp link to download the file tutorial_8017.tar.gz contatining the test data needed to follow along the tutorial. I have also tried to look on their google buckets
mentioned in another document, but the file does not seem to be there either. Any idea of its availability elsewhere?
Your previous post was marked as spam by the spambot owing to URLs in the title. I've removed it from spam and deleted it as a duplicate. Sorry about the inconvenience caused by the spambot!
Thanks! I was trying to delete it myself, how could I do that? I do not see the "moderate" button to delete my posts, which I read about in another post.
Maybe your browser has JavaScript disabled? It should be right next to the
button:Next to the edit button I have a "Following with messages" dropdown menu that does not include delete option. I tried Chrome and Firefox in Ubuntu 20.04, but I do not see the moderate button. I read that both Chrome and Firefox no longer have NPAPI support (technology required for Java applets), so if this is the reason, which browser should i use instead?
Sorry I misread, and thought you meant Java. In Chrome settings it shows that sites can use Javascript.
Can you show me a screenshot of your top level post so the entire post is covered like so:
I'm not sure why you don't have moderate privileges on your own posts - maybe one of the site admins can comment on this. I'll alert them to this post.
Turns out that the moderate button is available to moderators only. This change came into effect when the website upgraded to a new version a few months ago.
To delete your post, click on Edit and look for the Delete button on the right just below the post preview.
Oh yes, I see the delete button when editing, thanks a lot @Ram!!