Hey all, Im using Agilent-015058 O. sativa (Rice) Oligo Microarray 4x44K microarray .gpr files. so following the workflow of limma vignette I used the code:
data = read.maimages(targets,source="genepix",green.only = TRUE, other.columns = 'gIsWellAboveBG')
But later for filtering the normalized and background corrected data for probes without expression, I don't find other column via this code
can someone help me how can I add this column? same problem with ControlType for removing control probes via:
Hello Kevin,
thank you for your kind answer. I am working on this accession GSE58132. so the platform is Agilent-015058 O. sativa (Rice) Oligo Microarray 4x44K (Feature Number version), but the scanner was Axon thus the resulting files have .gpr extension. If the green.only does is not appliable, how can I specify that my data is single-color? Do you happen to know if there are any resources for analyzing .gpr data that I can reffer to?
Regards, Fate