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2.4 years ago
I have a set of gVCFs generated from publicly available data. It happens that some of these are from the same sample, but there are multiple runs for some of the samples.
I am wondering if it is possible to merge the gVCFs that were generated for these runs into a single gVCF which represents that sample.
Put simply, what I would like to do is this:
run_1.g.vcf + run_2.g.vcf --> sample.g.vcf
hum... I would call each GVCF to VCF and then merge the two files will
bcftools concat --allow-overlaps --remove-duplicates
Thanks I will try this. Doing joint-genotyping on all these now. I'm just wondering if it is possible to use the bcftools concat function on a multisample VCF?
So, say each run VCF is part of a multisample VCF. Is there some way I can run the bcftools command you suggested without splitting the multisample VCF into each of the VCFs that I want to merge?
I am thinking maybe I would add something along the lines of
bcftools view -s run1,run2
but I am not very familiar with this software.yes if they all have the same samples in the same order.