Mutect2 outputs two tags in the INFO column of the VCF (GERMQ, TLOD):
##INFO=<ID=GERMQ,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Phred-scaled quality that alt alleles are not germline variants">
##INFO=<ID=TLOD,Number=A,Type=Float,Description="Log 10 likelihood ratio score of variant existing versus not existing">
Given the manual, it'll adjust dynamically these threshold, without requiring the user to fix an hard threshold. Follows all the possible tags you could see for a mutation (from the VCF header)
##FILTER=<ID=PASS,Description="All filters passed">
##FILTER=<ID=FAIL,Description="Fail the site if all alleles fail but for different reasons.">
##FILTER=<ID=base_qual,Description="alt median base quality">
##FILTER=<ID=clustered_events,Description="Clustered events observed in the tumor">
##FILTER=<ID=duplicate,Description="evidence for alt allele is overrepresented by apparent duplicates">
##FILTER=<ID=fragment,Description="abs(ref - alt) median fragment length">
##FILTER=<ID=germline,Description="Evidence indicates this site is germline, not somatic">
##FILTER=<ID=haplotype,Description="Variant near filtered variant on same haplotype.">
##FILTER=<ID=low_allele_frac,Description="Allele fraction is below specified threshold">
##FILTER=<ID=map_qual,Description="ref - alt median mapping quality">
##FILTER=<ID=multiallelic,Description="Site filtered because too many alt alleles pass tumor LOD">
##FILTER=<ID=n_ratio,Description="Ratio of N to alt exceeds specified ratio">
##FILTER=<ID=orientation,Description="orientation bias detected by the orientation bias mixture model">
##FILTER=<ID=**panel_of_normals**,Description="Blacklisted site in panel of normals">
##FILTER=<ID=position,Description="median distance of alt variants from end of reads">
##FILTER=<ID=possible_numt,Description="Allele depth is below expected coverage of NuMT in autosome">
##FILTER=<ID=slippage,Description="Site filtered due to contraction of short tandem repeat region">
##FILTER=<ID=strand_bias,Description="Evidence for alt allele comes from one read direction only">
##FILTER=<ID=strict_strand,Description="Evidence for alt allele is not represented in both directions">
##FILTER=<ID=weak_evidence,Description="Mutation does not meet likelihood threshold">
The panel of normal is used to detect possible source of technical bias, resulting in shared false positive calls of somatic mutations across a panel of healthy samples. On the other side, a germline resource file will be used to get the population allele frequency, named POPAF in the INFO column of the VCF, and to model the tumor likelihood, named TLOD. If a mutation doesn't have an associated population allele frequency, Mutect2 will use for it a user defined one. More could be find in Mutect2 manual