I would like to print and write (in fasta) the strain /isolate/voucher number of multiple DNA sequences parsed in biopython (and also organism name and sequence). However, although this information (strain/isolate/voucher) is within feature-qualifiers (genbank format), this information is not extracted with atributes annotation and features of a seqrecord object.
Does anyone know how can I do this?
I'm a newbie with python, so any tip would be very helpful.
below there is part of a gb file as an example.
FEATURES Location/Qualifiers
source 1..841
/organism="Amauroderma calcitum"
/mol_type="genomic DNA"
/collected_by="D.H. Costa-Rezende"
rRNA <1..>841
/product="large subunit ribosomal RNA"
Please provide your current code used for parsing.
Hi Sej Thanks for your reply. The code is below: