Hi everyone, 1st of all, thanks for answering my question. I have three different network data such as network1, netnetwork2, and network3, for A, B, and C conditions. I would like to find the most changing nodes across these networks. Thus, I used the DyNet app in Cytoscape. However, the most rewired node belongs only to the network1, which is condition A specific.
My question is:
- how a rewiring node could be condition specific?
below is the link for the software. https://apps.cytoscape.org/apps/dynet
Best, adr
@Scooter, thanks for taking the time to answer my question. If I understand your answer, a node with unique edges in one condition compared to two or more networks is regarded as the most rewired node for the specific network. Is this because the rewired node which is group-specific has no edges in B and C networks?