Hi everyone,
so I am currently trying to reanalyze an existing bulk RNAseq dataset (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GSE136731). I downloaded the FASTq files and trimmed them using trimmomatic. Before using HISAT2, i wanted to check for strandedness. So i used salmon on 1 paired sample using -l A method
salmon quant -i iHomo_sapiens_salmon -l A -1 SRR10056377_cDC2_CD5Control_trimmed_Seq_1.fastq -2 SRR10056377_cDC2_CD5Control_trimmed_Seq2.fastq --skipQuant -o Transcriptquant_SRR10056400
My output json file said this:
"read_files": "[ SRR10056400_cDC2_CD5-CD163_CD14-Control_trimmed_Seq_1.fastq, SRR10056400_cDC2_CD5-CD163_CD14-Control_trimmed_Seq2.fastq]",
"expected_format": "IU",
"compatible_fragment_ratio": 1.0,
"num_compatible_fragments": 8936467,
"num_assigned_fragments": 8936467,
"num_frags_with_concordant_consistent_mappings": 7528619,
"num_frags_with_inconsistent_or_orphan_mappings": 1532162,
"strand_mapping_bias": 0.5011540629164526,
"MSF": 0,
"OSF": 0,
"ISF": 3772998,
"MSR": 0,
"OSR": 0,
"ISR": 3755621,
"SF": 905506,
"SR": 626656,
"MU": 0,
"OU": 0,
"IU": 0,
"U": 0
As I am a wetlab biologist and not too familiar with computational biology, my question here is:
It looks like i have two types ISF and ISR, however the guess is IU as library type (so ustranded). Is it because I got ISR AND ISF? The strand_mapping_bias also does not look too good. Any suggestions or help on how to process further concerning the HISAT2 alignment? BEcause there i have to specify the strandness.
Thanks in advance!
Thanks for the help and explanation, makes totally sense!