hi, i have a set of genes involved in particular function and want to compare across all the cancer samples in TCGA in order to find some correlation. I am completely new to this and have no idea how to proceed further with TCGA data
hi, i have a set of genes involved in particular function and want to compare across all the cancer samples in TCGA in order to find some correlation. I am completely new to this and have no idea how to proceed further with TCGA data
If you simply want a quick way to look up a few genes, then your best option is cBioPortal: http://www.cbioportal.org/
If you are prepared to do some processing of the data yourself, then you can obtain raw and/or normalised data from various sources, popular ones being:
Finally, there is the data at the Genomic Data Commons, which is the primary source of TCGA data:
Okay, there is some help in the DESeq2 vignette: http://bioconductor.org/packages/devel/bioc/vignettes/DESeq2/inst/doc/DESeq2.html#htseq-count-input
Basically, the HTseq files contain raw counts. These will be input to R where DESeq2 will normalise them. Eventually, you will be able to perform differential expression analysis. Everything that you need is in the DESeq2 vignette (link above)
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Thank you Kevin for the suggestion. But i guess TCGA data is not open access now, so i won't be able to download the dataset. For that i am currently using UCSC XENA.
Well, the data is available in 3 levels: