Hey everyone,
I am trying to combine two VCFs I created with a GATK pipeline (https://github.com/snakemake-workflows/dna-seq-gatk-variant-calling).
I used bcftools merge
(with and without -g genome.fasta
with identical results). The resulting genotypes are correct, but it seems like bcftools merge does not recalculate allele frequency. Is there a better too for combining or cann I just recalculate the AF later? Here are exemplary results of a merge:
sample1 sample2
VCF1: C,CAA AF=0.023,0.031 0/2
VCF2: CAA,C AF=0.279,0.074 0/1
merged: C,CAA AF=0.074,0.279 0/2 0/2
It looks like the AF was just taken from the second VCF. Any ideas how to get the correct AF?
I also tried gatk CombineGVCFs
, but this tells me The list of input alleles must contain <NON_REF> as an allele but that is not the case at position 98999; please use the Haplotype Caller with gVCF output to generate appropriate records
. However, the VCFs were generated with HaplotypeCaller
Thanks :)
gatk CombineGVCFs is for GVCF files, not VCF.