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2.5 years ago
I am new to single cell sequencing world and working on Single Cell multiomics (ATAC + GEX) data analysis. Can someone please share the relevant method (or publication/R package) for detecting outlier in Single Cell multiome.
That is just "WNN analysis of 10x Multiome, RNA + ATAC" but no explanation of outlier detection. Please correct me if I am wrong.
An 'outlier' would be a cell that is a detected and filtered out using multiple metrics. Such as if it has a very high/low number of genes detected, or high mitochondrial content detected, or in your case, a very high or a very low number of peaks detected..... all of which are shown how to detect and filter out in the above.
Is there any statistical method for finding the cutoff for low/high number of peaks or detecting high/low level of gene expression?
As far as I am aware, no. In part because this is very cell type specific, so would be very difficult to benchmark. Additionally different technologies vary in the number of genes they can detect (on average) - and we havent even considered the effects of sequencing depth. So, in short there are too many variables.
Please dont forget to upvote my original answer as I believe it addresses your question about how to remove outliers. Thanks