Manipulating data with R
I have a huge data but I will share just a few.
I would like to manipulate this data using the R language.
My data looks like
No Value
A1 20.0585
A2 18.2183
A3 18.965
A4 15.9794
B1 16.1047
B2 18.0323
B3 19.144
B4 14.5789
C1 17.035
C2 20.2898
C3 19.4061
C4 16.0626
and I would like the data to be like
No 1 2 3 4
A 20.0585 18.2183 18.965 15.9794
B 16.1047 18.0323 19.144 14.5789
C 17.035 20.2898 19.4061 16.0626
Can you please help me with that?
df <- data.frame(No=paste0(rep(LETTERS[1:3], each=4), rep(seq(1,4), 3)),
df %>%
dplyr::mutate(number=sub('.', '', No), letter=substring(No, 1, 1)) %>%
tidyr::pivot_wider(values_from=Value, names_from=number, id_cols=letter) %>%
dplyr::rename(No=letter) %>%
data.frame(., check.names=FALSE)
No 1 2 3 4
A -0.5117558617 0.1097707 -0.9361413 -0.05781303
B 0.0006037038 -1.1819491 1.4818229 -1.14916528
C -0.6938707580 0.5375405 1.1568835 0.30663738
Next time please provide data via dput()
output, not like you do, it makes it hard to copy-paste.
comes in handy here.
df |>
separate(No, c("No", "name"), sep="(?<=^[[:alpha:]])") |>
pivot_wider(names_from=name, values_from=Value)
Split, then reshape long-to-wide:
d <- fread(" No Value
A1 20.0585
A2 18.2183
A3 18.965
A4 15.9794
B1 16.1047
B2 18.0323
B3 19.144
B4 14.5789
C1 17.035
C2 20.2898
C3 19.4061
C4 16.0626")
#split then reshape long-to-wide
d[, c("No", "No1") := tstrsplit(No, "")
][, dcast(.SD, No ~ No1, value.var = "Value") ]
# No 1 2 3 4
# 1: A 20.0585 18.2183 18.9650 15.9794
# 2: B 16.1047 18.0323 19.1440 14.5789
# 3: C 17.0350 20.2898 19.4061 16.0626
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Thanks so much for your help!!!!!!!