How was vitalStatus_cox coded? Assuming that death = 1 and censored = 0, this data shows that the risk associated with DEG is 0.93345 times the baseline risk (i.e. the risk of dying is slightly less), all other variables being the same. Along the same lines, ajcc_pathological_stageStage III increases risk 4.3023 times compared to baseline (Stage 0?), all other variables being the same. The risk associated with being male is 1.31453 times that of being female, all other variables being the same. That said, if you use a p-value cutoff of 0.05, none of these variables are statistically significant.
Assuming that it is statistically significant and that DEG is the expression of gene x, can we say that this (gene x) has a prognostic effect in these cancer data during stage 2 etc.?
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updated 23 months ago by
written 2.4 years ago by
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If it's statistically significant, then I think you can say that Gene X is prognostic for survival. If you want to know about a specific stage, then I think you would need to run the analysis on only patients that have that stage.
Thank you,
I have coded vital status like this :
Assuming that it is statistically significant and that DEG is the expression of gene x, can we say that this (gene x) has a prognostic effect in these cancer data during stage 2 etc.?
If it's statistically significant, then I think you can say that Gene X is prognostic for survival. If you want to know about a specific stage, then I think you would need to run the analysis on only patients that have that stage.
Thank you a lot !