you can provide FASTA files to it
usage: antismash [--taxon {bacteria,fungi}] [--output-dir OUTPUT_DIR] [--output-basename OUTPUT_BASENAME] [--reuse-results PATH] [--limit LIMIT] [--minlength MINLENGTH] [--start START] [--end END] [--databases PATH]
[--write-config-file PATH] [--without-fimo] [--executable-paths EXECUTABLE=PATH,EXECUTABLE2=PATH2,...] [--allow-long-headers] [-v] [-d] [--logfile PATH] [--list-plugins] [--check-prereqs]
[--limit-to-record RECORD_ID] [-V] [--profiling] [--skip-sanitisation] [--skip-zip-file] [--minimal] [--enable-genefunctions] [--enable-lanthipeptides] [--enable-lassopeptides] [--enable-nrps-pks]
[--enable-sactipeptides] [--enable-t2pks] [--enable-thiopeptides] [--enable-tta] [--enable-html] [--fullhmmer] [--fullhmmer-pfamdb-version FULLHMMER_PFAMDB_VERSION] [--hmmdetection-strictness {strict,relaxed,loose}]
[--sideload JSON] [--sideload-simple ACCESSION:START-END] [--sideload-by-cds LOCUS1,LOCUS2,...] [--sideload-size-by-cds NUCLEOTIDES] [--cassis] [--clusterhmmer]
[--clusterhmmer-pfamdb-version CLUSTERHMMER_PFAMDB_VERSION] [--tigrfam] [--asf] [--cc-mibig] [--cc-custom-dbs FILE1,FILE2,...] [--cb-general] [--cb-subclusters] [--cb-knownclusters] [--cb-nclusters count]
[--cb-min-homology-scale LIMIT] [--pfam2go] [--rre] [--rre-cutoff RRE_CUTOFF] [--rre-minlength RRE_MIN_LENGTH] [--smcog-trees] [--tta-threshold TTA_THRESHOLD] [--html-title HTML_TITLE]
[--html-description HTML_DESCRIPTION] [--html-start-compact] [--genefinding-tool {glimmerhmm,prodigal,prodigal-m,none,error}] [--genefinding-gff3 GFF3_FILE] [-h] [--help-showall] [-c CPUS]
SEQUENCE GenBank/EMBL/FASTA file(s) containing DNA.
and also specify which gene prediction tool to use, with the option:
--genefinding-tool {glimmerhmm,prodigal,prodigal-m,none,error}
Specify algorithm used for gene finding: GlimmerHMM, Prodigal, Prodigal Metagenomic/Anonymous mode, or none.
or specify the GFF3 file to extract features from, with the option
--genefinding-gff3 GFF3_FILE
P.S. I'd refrain myself from opening a help request with the word 'urgent', as it usually triggers a sudden loss of interest in answering to it.
Please don't use "urgent" unless you work in a hospital and a patient's life is on the line...
Correction: Nothing posted on online technical/scientific fora can be urgent. If something needs urgent attention, this is not the place for it. I'll be removing the words conveying urgency from the post.