I have the following Ensembl transcript: ENST00000395245.3
However, the version in Ensembl, which I can easily find using biomart, is ENST00000395245.9. How can I get the coordinates and protein information for ENST00000395245.3?
Thank you!
I have the following Ensembl transcript: ENST00000395245.3
However, the version in Ensembl, which I can easily find using biomart, is ENST00000395245.9. How can I get the coordinates and protein information for ENST00000395245.3?
Thank you!
To figure out what ENSEMBL release version ENST00000395245.3
corresponds to, enter ENST00000395245
it into the ID History Converter .
This transcript version was introduced in release 56
, but the full archive for this release is not available. However, the GTF file for release 56 can be found here and the FASTA assembly found here which will contain all the information you need.
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A second and maybe faster way to find the right release if you are already on the ensembl page of the current transcript you can click on "IDHistory->Transcript History" in the left menu.
This is very helpful! The one question i have is that it seems to me that 1) I have to do this programmatically and 2) it looks to me that the coordinates correspond to GRCh37. I have a SNP for this gene, and what I need is to get the protein sequence corresponding to this transcript (programatically) so that the coordinate is exact. Any suggestions?