i have data of SNPs form VCF file. basically what i need to do is to perform Cochran-Armitage which is done by the catt function (link with explanations about the function https://search.r-project.org/CRAN/refmans/CATT/html/CATT.html). so for every unique sn_id i want to perform it this is the code for the function :
im not sure how to preform this in every SNP as agroup :for example chunk of data it has the same value in sn_id column - chr1 69511 and for those 4 observation i want to use catt function ( there are a lot of different chunks like this in the data so i would like to preform the test on each one of them and get the pvalue ) :
9 1 2 chr1 69511
10 1 2 chr1 69511
11 1 1 chr1 69511
12 0 1 chr1 69511
if there is any wat to do this in python it would also be great
Are you doing this on a VCF or the data format in the screenshot?
rpolicastro on data frame format
This can also be done with list columns but I think splitting the data is a little syntactically clearer.
rpolicastro during wrapup: 0 (non-NA) cases Error: no more error handlers available (recursive errors?); invoking 'abort' restart