Hi everyone, I am actually confused about my sequence quality.
can anyone tell me if the sequence quality is dropped in the middle portion (Please see the attached image) how can we trim it?
is this possible to trim only dropped part? I mean as we can see that in the picture the quality of reads are dropped from 61bp to 79bp. So can we trim this part only by fastp or any other tools?
Did the samples showing the dip in Q-scores run on the same flowcell/were part of same pool of samples? Or were they from a separate run?
I have a total of six samples S1, S2, S5, S6, S8, and S10. five samples (S2, S5, S6, S8, and S10) run in the same flowcell, and the R1 read of all five samples is good. But the R2 read of all five samples is dropped in the 62 to 79 position.
In that case it seems that there must have been a transient problem with the run e.g. a bubble in the lane that must have lead to the drop in Q scores. If there are no N calls in positions 62-79 you may be able to use the data as is. If there are N calls in that region then you may need to discard those reads unless you can trim 3'-part from N's onwards and use the first 62 bp.
Thanks, you GenoMax i am confused about how can check the N calls in the reads.