Hi everyone, can you please advise me on how to include the file name of my database into the output of blast while using outfmt 6?
The example below - I need the ${file} included in every ${file}.blast output file, so I could merge all the ${file}.blast files into one and still know which database ${file} did the sequence come from.
makeblastdb -in ${file}.fa -dbtype nucl -out ${file}
blastn -query query.fasta -db ${file} -out ${file}.blast -outfmt "6 qseqid sseqid pident length qstart qend sstart send evalue bitscore sseq" -num_threads 36 -max_target_seqs 5 -task blastn
Perhaps I am missing some obvious way. I'd prefer not to rename all the sequences in the database files and I'd rather not use outfmt 7 where I could get the database file name in the comment.
Thank you all so much, this is my first post.