I intend to use mrMLM for GWAS analysis. I have read the package in details and everything is clear, except one thing:
The issue is regarding the coding of genotypic file. In the manual, it is mentioned that:
The fourth column, named "genotype for code 1", indicates reference base for code variable x = 1
What is to write in this column? Is it the reference allele? or something else?
Also, regarding the coding of the genotypes, it is mentioned that; For each marker, homozygous genotypes are expressed by 1 and -1, respectively, and the heterozygous and missing genotypes are indicated by zero.
What I understand from this is mentioned below:
The code is
- 1, if genotype is homozygous for the reference allele (if fourth column is the reference allele)
- -1, if the genotype is homozygous for the alternate allele.
- 0 for both heterozygous
- 0 for the NAs
Please clarify, if I am correct, else need your help for correct coding of my genotype file