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2.3 years ago
I have downloaded a dataset(GSE98622) from GO databases. This data is best suited for my experiences, and I need to extract DEG from it, but this data is normalized and I can't use it. What should I do in this situation?
AKI <- read.table("GSE98622a.txt", sep = "\t")
x <-as.matrix(AKI)
x <- x[,-1]
AKI <- as.data.frame(x)
gr <- c(rep("n", 17), rep("C", 16), rep("d", 16))
colData <- data.frame(group=gr, type="paired-end")
cds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(data.matrix(AKI), colData, design = ~group)
resLFC.AKI <- data.frame(lfcShrink(data.matrix(AKI), coef="group_d_vs_n"))
Many thanks
Did you get a matrix of already normalized read counts? What type of normalization has been used?
Matrix array but also we need numeric data type
The error is:
Read the DESeq2 manual. Your entire code is wrong, manual will instruct you.