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2.4 years ago
I want to save my Venn Diagram, whereas I am not able to do it, but I don't know how. I write down my command below:
I cannot find my Venn Diagram in my files.
venn.plot= venn.diagram(list(A = up6hours, B = up12hours, C = up24hours),
filename = tempfile( pattern = "Venn_3set_simple"), fileext = "1.tiff")
Try this:
Where have you checked ? Files will be deposited in
current path, you can display files withlist.files()
I have done it and I obtained the following output: character(0)
Could you give an example of your list ? You can share the output of
dput(list(A = up6hours, B = up12hours, C = up24hours))
It worked, thanks