I am trying to align two sequences with mummer. The sequences are fairly dissimilar, so I wanted to look at both nucmer and promer results. However, the plots generated via mummerplot look nearly identical. The reference and query fastas. Is there some sort error here? Additionally, I am not sure how to interpret these results.
Nucmer Plot:
Promer Plot:
I used the following to generate the promer mummerplot:
promer --prefix=promer Ref.fasta Query.fasta
delta-filter -q -r promer.delta > promer.filter
mummerplot promer.filter -R Ref.fasta -Q Query.fasta --png
and this is for the nucmer mummerplot:
nucmer --maxgap=500 --mincluster=100 --prefix=nucmer Ref.fasta Query.fasta
delta-filter -q -r nucmer.delta > nucmer.filter
mummerplot nucmer.filter -R Ref.fasta -Q Query.fasta --png
Does anyone know what is going wrong here? Thanks!