I'm relatively new to using FASTQC and was wondering how it works and how it determines the quality of a read. The documentation doesn't mention much and is more of an instruction manual. Thanks.
I'm relatively new to using FASTQC and was wondering how it works and how it determines the quality of a read. The documentation doesn't mention much and is more of an instruction manual. Thanks.
new to using FASTQC and was wondering how it works
Have you looked at these pages: https://www.bioinformatics.babraham.ac.uk/projects/fastqc/Help/3%20Analysis%20Modules/ They provide information about individual modules.
Hum your question is not clear to me...
how it works
it scans all the reads and makes statistics
how it determines the quality of a read.
see also: https://hbctraining.github.io/Training-modules/planning_successful_rnaseq/lessons/QC_raw_data.html
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Yes these pages popped up when I read the documentation but I was confused. Do they mean that the .fastq files all have quality information encoded within the file already?
Yes they do. Each base has a corresponding quality call in fastq record.
As @Pierre noted you will find it useful to check the entire Wiki Page for Fastq format: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FASTQ_format
Got it. Thank you!
The Q is for quality.