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2.1 years ago
Hello, I had trimmed fastq files with trimmomatic 0.39, and I used pe files to perform bwa mem. However, there was the error and it' stopped. This is the message:
[mem_sam_pe] paired reads have different names: "A01057:210:H37TJDSX3:2:1160:10809:6621", "A01057:210:H37TJDSX3:2:1160:13774:6621"
[mem_sam_pe] paired reads have different names: "A01057:210:H37TJDSX3:2:1160:11080:6621", "A01057:210:H37TJDSX3:2:1160:13792:6621"
The file names of fastq.gz are "17_pe1.fastq.gz" and "17_pe2.fastq.gz" How can I solve it??
What is the command you have used to run
bwa mem
? Also, did you doublecheck the fastq files to make sure that each one have the same amount of reads, and sorted in the same way?The command: nohup bwa mem -M -R "@RG\tID:HWI\tSM:17\tPL:ILLUMINA\tLB:so" -t 10 ../ref/Combined_pseudohap.phased.filtered.0.arcs.fasta.gz ../trimmed_data/17_pe1.fastq.gz ../trimmed_data/17_pe2.fastq.gz -o 17_pe.sam > 17_logs.txt &
How to doublecheck the fastq files?
You can use
utility from BBMap suite to check/re-sync your PE files.I tried, but there was the message:
You have a problem with your data file. Use the option indicated below with
to fix that problemIf you did this independently for the two files then that is the problem. You need to trim PE files together.
I performed it together with one command line not seperately.