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2.3 years ago
I have a set of 14 genes that are differentially expressed. I would like to run a gene ontology analysis and reactome/kegg pathway analysis. Is there a recommendation about the minimum number of genes that can give me reliable results?
Thank you in advance
With only 14 genes most likely you will not achieve any statistically significant enrichment, unless ideally all of them take part in the same GO term or pathway.
thank you for your help! GO and Reactome have identified some pathways that have significant pvalue. But I wonder if the results are reliable with such a small number of genes.
What tool did you use? I want to point out that you are doing a multiple testing, therefore your p-values must be corrected by FDR.
cluster profiler https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/clusterProfiler.html
The pvalue should be corrected using BH correction