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2.1 years ago
Elizabeth Alice
Hello All,
I have run the gseGO function from clusterProfiler.
gse <- gseGO(geneList=gene_list,
ont ="MF",
keyType = "ENSEMBL",
minGSSize = 10,
maxGSSize = 800,
pvalueCutoff = 0.01,
verbose = TRUE,
OrgDb = organism,
pAdjustMethod = "BH",
eps = 0)
I have dotplots of the significantly enriched pathways. I would like to extract the gene lists from a certain pathway. I have tried using
target_genes <- gse@result$geneID[15]
but the resulting object is NULL
15 is the number corresponding to the readout from
I have tried to use other numbers but all are NULL
Does anyone have any ideas?
Going off the top of my head I think you can convert the results to a data.frame using
. You then want to filter the row with the correct term, and then one of the columns will have the relevant gene names.