Can anyone help me how to convert Kegg ids to UniProt ids? I used UniProtKB but it didn't show the result. I really appreciate any help you can provide.
Can anyone help me how to convert Kegg ids to UniProt ids? I used UniProtKB but it didn't show the result. I really appreciate any help you can provide.
You can map identifiers of the form
from KEGG to UniProtKB using the IDmapping service at
If you have any additional questions, please don't hesitate to contact the UniProt helpdesk.
This is not working in my case. Maybe something an issue with the input data. I extracted data from Kegg pathways and the orthologs table. Is it correct? eg in my case I took human protein which has Kegg entry1453 for human but as standard it is K08959. Can you please tell me
KO08959 looks like a KEGG Orthology identifier. Unfortunately UniProt can no longer link to KEGG Orthology because there were clashes with the KO licencing scheme (cross-references to KO were removed from UniProt in December 2020, see
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Hi! Have you seen this post?: Convert kegg ids to uniprot ids KEGG is under
Genome Annotation Datasbase