Dear all, Can some one suggest me how to correct this problem. I am running wsl based Oligominer tool for probe designing. Th ecommand after Bowtie2 build was like this. But i experienced the error 'Could not locate a Bowtie index corresponding to basename' and sometimes other errors like 'bowtie2-align exited with value 1'. how to rectify these errors and run the Oligominer smoothly.
(ol) rahul@DESKTOP-J3Q9JD9:~/ol_dir/OligoMiner$ bowtie2 -x/Users/Rahul/AppData/Local/Packages/CanonicalGroupLimited.Ubuntu_79rhkp1fndgsc/LocalState/rootfs/home/rahul/ol_dir/OligoMiner/sequence_1 -U sequence_1.fastq --no-hd -t -k 100 --very-sensitive-local -S sequence_1_u.sam
Not certain but it looks like you are missing a space between
and rest of the path. It should beThank for you reply. I tried with space after bowtie2 -x /Users/Rahul/..... But sam errors is still coming.
can you suggest some more tips
Is this path correct?
and if it is can you show the output of
Did you create the bowtie2 index or is this something Oligominer does internally?
this command is not getting detected but the folder in which the files are saved are like:
when i search fastq file. this file is found in this path: Users/Rahul/AppData/Local/Packages/CanonicalGroupLimited.Ubuntu_79rhk p1fndgsc/LocalState/rootfs/home/rahul/ol_dir/OligoMiner/sequence_1
altough i have copied the data of Oligominer folder to downloads section also. Can wsl take commands from downloads section also?
Did you create the bowtie2 index or is this something Oligominer does internally?
I think Oligominer did it internally
My previous command was : (ol) rahul@DESKTOP-J3Q9JD9:~/ol_dir/OligoMiner$ bowtie2-build sequence_1.fasta sequence_1
GenoMax please suggest Python learning tool/literature for wsl based programming where ican learn about commands and modifications.
Thanka & regards is a good resource.
It is not going to be simply about learning commands when you are trying to learn a new programming language.
Can someone suggest to me how (any software or online approach) to join the approx 71 contigs of the bacterial genome into one FASTA file of the genome in the correct order. I have a reference genome of the same bacterial species but a different strain Can we choose it as a reference genome?
Please do not ask unrelated questions in an existing thread. This question should have been posted in a new thread. But before doing that always search the forum using google.
These past threads may be useful:
reference-guided denovo assembly