Hi everyone,
I have to perform bulk RNA sequencing (I am new to this). I want to run this: fastq-dump --split-files -X 5 SRR14933197 -Z (which is supposed to give me the first 5 spots/reads). The layout is single (reads). I do get an output, but I also get "Rejected 5 READS because READLEN < 1". I don't really know how to interpret this. From colleagues I heard that --split-files is are only supposed to be used when having paired-end reads, however, my professor used the same line of code to run his SRR which also was a single-read. So I don't really understand why I have this rejection. Can anyone help me?
Thanks in advance!
Ditch the terrible SRA-toolkit, enter that SRR ID over at https://sra-explorer.info/ and get a download link for fastq file directly.
But it's actually for an assignment, and we are supposed to run it via jupyternotebooks using that line of code fastq-dump --split-files -X 5 SRR14933197 -Z. :/ Does someone know the answer to my problem? If you need specifications do ask please.