Hello all, quick question today.
I did some clean up on some cells , nFeature_Genes > 200 & nFeature_Genes < 4500 & percent.mt < 20
, nothing too extreme , there is this one sample with a chuck of cells outside the linear norm and I am not sure if they biologically relevant as interesting and should be kept or if their ratio of molecules detected to genes detected should be ringing red flags for me.
I have circled the the cells of interest in the plot. note the axis labels as this is already trimmed data. I have also shuffled the printing of the dots and am certain it is sample specific-ish. the ratio doesnt fit for doublets (scran detectdoublets
confirms) , mito counts are 0, which doesn't mean they aren't dead cells per say, could be part of the library prep artifact killing cells with a different phenotype of necrosis vs apoptosis (mito graph subset on the single sample).
Other hypothesis is that its empty GEMs, and its ambient RNA from a massive death somewhere in tissue processing/library prep. BUT then you would expect all other good gems to have the same molecule counts. So dont think that's it either.
Thanks for your help and insight
There seem to be very few genes expressed but at a high count. What genes are actually being expressed in this cluster? Do these cells show up on one of the top 10 or 15 PCs? Maybe the loadings from those will help.
I'll check the loadings, thanks!