I am performing RNA-Seq analysis on 6 samples (3 infected & 3 control). I aligned my samples to GENCODE's release 41 primary assembly and quantified my fragments using RSubread::featurecounts(). So now I have a counts matrix and have TMM normalized my counts in EdgeR. I removed genes that are lowly expressed and would like to remove Ribosomal genes.
I am thinking that I could just remove rows in my matrix that correspond to the 62 genes classified as Ribosomal at HGNC's website : https://www.genenames.org/data/genegroup/#!/group/1379. Is this an effective method of removing ribosomal rna counts from my analysis?
Thank You, Sara
You'll want to remove reads mapping to rRNA before normalizing with EdgeR.
Yes, that is true, I will re-run normalization when I figure out how to remove rRNA genes.