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2.1 years ago
Hello everyone, I am runing fastQTL as bellow:
fastQTL --vcf ./tt.genotype.vcf.gz --bed ./tt.tpm.tss.qn.bed.gz --window 1e6 --maf-threshold 0.01 --ma-sample-threshold 10 --interaction-maf-threshold 0 --cov ./tt.sample_info.t --permute 1000 10000 --chunk 7 100 --out ./eqtls_fastqtl_chunk007.txt.gz --log ./eqtls_fastqtl_chunk007.log
but encount:
Fast QTL
- Authors : Olivier DELANEAU, Halit ONGEN, Alfonso BUIL & Manolis DERMITZAKIS
- Contact : olivier.delaneau@gmail.com
- Webpage : http://fastqtl.sourceforge.net/
- Version : v2.184_gtex
Perform permutation based analysis (used to calculate corrected p-values for MPs)
- Perform between 1000 and 10000 permutations
- Random number generator is seeded with 1668133454
- Considering variants within 1e+06 bp of the MPs
- Using minor allele frequency threshold = 0.0100
- Using minor allele sample threshold = 10
- Using INFO field AF threshold = 0.0000
- Applying interaction MAF AF threshold = 0.0000
- Chunk processed 7 / 100
Scanning phenotype data in [./tt.tpm.tss.qn.bed.gz]
- 21765 phenotypes
Reading phenotype data in [./tt.tpm.tss.qn.bed.gz]
- region = 1:151047751-159945613
- 516 samples included
- 220 phenotypes included
Reading genotype data in [./tt.genotype.vcf.gz] in VCF format
- region = 1:150047751-160945613
- 516 samples included
- 0 sites included
ERROR: No genotypes in this region: 1:151047751-159945613
how to solve this? any comments would be appreciated!
FastQTL is complaining there are no variants in the region you specified. What does
tabix ./tt.genotype.vcf.gz 1:151047751-159945613 | tail
shows? You need tabix (from SAMtools / BCFtools / HTSlib, I don't remember currently which package hold tabix) and maybe you will need to index the vcf withtabix -p ./tt.genotype.vcf.gz