Hi there,
I am trying to run "rsem-prepare-reference" using the options below:
rsem-prepare-reference commands:
rsem-prepare-reference --gtf path/to/gtf_file \
--star \
--star-path path/to/STAR \
--star-sjdboverhang 99 \
-p 8 \
path/to/primary_assembly_fasta_file \
/ref/mouse_ensembl \
But I get error below:
In the ".err" file:
Cannot open mouse_ensembl.transcripts.fa! It may not exist.
In the ".out" file:
rsem-preref /ref/mouse_ensembl.transcripts.fa 1 /ref/mouse_ensembl
"rsem-preref /ref/mouse_ensembl.transcripts.fa 1 /ref/mouse_ensembl" failed! Plase check if you provide correct parameters/options for the pipeline!
Has anyone faced the same error or know how to fix this?
Thank you,
What is the transcripts fasta here?
For my case in command line, I have just provided the mouse gtf file (on 1st line) and primary assembly fa file (on 6th line).. Not sure what "/ref/mouse_ensembl.transcripts.fa" is supposed to mean??
Is it trying to generate these files or locate them? If so which transcript files is it trying to locate?
In the ".out" file, I can see the following:
"path to primary_assembly.fa is processed!
136630 transcripts are extracted.
Extracting sequences is done!
Group File is generated!
Transcript Information File is generated!
Chromosome List File is generated!
Extracted Sequences File is generated!"
rsem-preref ref/mouse_ensembl.transcripts.fa 1 ref/mouse_ensembl
"rsem-preref ref/mouse_ensembl.transcripts.fa 1 ref/mouse_ensembl" failed! Plase check if you provide correct parameters/options for the pipeline!
So are these "group file, transcript information file, chromosome list file and extracted sequences file" be generated in the directory, if so, I do not see them.
Any clarification is much appreciated!
Hi Amithasandur,
Were you able to solve this problem ? If so, could you share with us ?
Many thanks,
Hi Gokce
Have you solved this problem?
Thanks, Ledong
Hi Amithasandur, Gokce and Wanle:
I have met the same problem. In my situation, I just did mkdir ref/mouse_ensembl and ran the command. It finished successfully.
Hope it helps,