You must have downloaded the cmdline utility bs.
The first step is to authenticate your executable.
You probably have done this (?)
$ ./bs auth
When you do that, a unique URL is printed on the cmdline, which you then need to copy into your browser. You are then presented with the sign-in portal of Illumina basespace. Provided that you have had created a log-in already, you need to sign-in. Once you do that, a welcome msg gets printed on the cmdline, saying like "Welcome username".
You are then ready to go. If authentication happened successfully, then under your home directory a file would have been created. It would look like -
$ cat /home/user/.basespace/default.cfg
apiServer = https://api.basespace.illumina.com
accessToken = xxxxxxx54343b3xxxxxa5exxx
Then, you can list out the project thats available in your Ilmn BaseSpace dir. for downloading by doing -
$ ./bs list project
| Name | Id | TotalSize |
| 22.10.04_my_prj_xxxxx1_2022-10-04T09_02_03_1xxx137 | 36xxxxxx4 | 36618128088 |
The number under the Id header could then be used to download all fastq under that project. Like -
./bs \
download \
project -i 36xxxxxx4
Dear Amitm, thank you for your comment it helped a lot. As you mentioned the problem was with
./bs auth
which I had not run before and that was the reason for the error.I also now get the list as you mentioned but I use the id of the Run to download the entire files (including bcl files) to run the bcl2fastq conversion myself. So for that, I got the Run id by running
./bs list run