I am trying to compare the results from 2 different sequencing machines. We run the same samples/libraries on both machines, analyzed using cellranger count and are just trying to compare how different the results are. I would like to do a co-embedded UMAP for both datasets. Would I use seurat to merge the 2 datasets and then use the following commands to produce the UMAP?
pbmc.rna <- NormalizeData(pbmc.rna)
pbmc.rna <- FindVariableFeatures(pbmc.rna)
pbmc.rna <- ScaleData(pbmc.rna)
pbmc.rna <- RunPCA(pbmc.rna)
pbmc.rna <- RunUMAP(pbmc.rna, dims = 1:30)
DimPlot(rna, reduction = "umap")
Is there a way to do this without having to go through most of the seurat pipeline?
Thank you
the following may be helpful: https://satijalab.org/seurat/archive/v3.1/merge_vignette.html