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24 months ago
My assigned reads don't get higher if I lower my mapping score. Can anyone know what I must do to get a higher amount of reads?
featureCounts \
-Q 10 \
-g gene_name \
-a /mnt/storage/data/resources/genomes/hg38/hg38.refGene.agat.gtf \
-o all.counts \
C1.bam C2.bam S1.bam S2.bam
You have more than half of the reads being multimappers, hence fiddling with mapping quality is not going to help. What is the context here, do you have any idea from the wetlab side why that is? Is this something like short/small RNA-seq or is the read length exceptionally short?
I'm doing bulk RNA sequencing
Cannot help without proper details, put some effort. RNA-seq is very standard these days, probably your library is poor quality.