I wanted to download and analyze the microarray data from GEO with the accession number GSE2727 however when I run the following code I could not find any .CEL files. So are there any alternative methods of analysis for these kinds of files?
untar("GSE27272/GSE27272_RAW.tar", exdir = "/New_project")
raw.data<- ReadAffy(celfile.path = "/New_project")
Error in AllButCelsForReadAffy(..., filenames = filenames, widget = widget, : No cel filennames specified and no cel files in specified directory:/New_project
And after checking all the directories I could not find any .cel files so can someone please help on how to interpret this?
It can well be that the "raw" data are not provided in that dataset. After all it is an Illumina array whereas CEL files are from Affymetric, so it seems you have to use what they provide in that supplement and go along with that.
yes exactly. So how do you suggest I analyze microarray data from illumina? Because so far all of the methodologies I found call for .CEL data to use in the limma package
You might be able to read in the data following the r script that can be found at this link: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/geo2r/?acc=GSE2727