I just genotyped an SNP array from .CEL file using the R package "crlmm", now I have a variable called crlmmResult, which is the .CEL file genotyped ( a big file with samples and the SNPs genotype (1, 2 or 3).
Can someone help me in what is the next step for processing the SNP array (which R packages to use)? If I want to know what SNPs are related to disease for example.
Also I don't understand exactly what the genotype mean in SNP, AA means no change and BB means there's a SNP?
I think this is the package I am searching for, thank you!. But how I convert the .CEL file to .VCF, which is the file I need to input to the package.
Presumably there's a convenient way to convert the genotype calls to a VCF. From googling around a bit, it looks like you can at least make .ped and .map files (for plink), which can be converted to VCF. I suspect there's a better way to do that, but I'm not familiar with the crlmm package.
Having said that, since you're using an array (and therefore not looking for new mutations), you might consider the GWAS approach outlined in the link in neilfws' reply.