Hello, I'm new to bioinformatics and to linux command line so I'm having small issues troubleshooting in an assignment. Anyone know why I can't run Trinity here?
The tutorial I'm following tells me to use the following command:
~/bin/trinity/Trinity --seqType fq --max_memory 2G --CPU 2 --SS_lib_type RF --left rna_data/Sp_ds.left.fq.gz,rna_data/Sp_hs.left.fq.gz,rna_data/Sp_log.left.fq.gz,rna_data/Sp_plat.left.fq.gz --right rna_data/Sp_ds.right.fq.gz,rna_data/Sp_hs.right.fq.gz,rna_data/Sp_log.right.fq.gz,rna_data/Sp_plat.right.fq.gz --trimmomatic
And I get the following error message:
Error, cannot locate file: rna_data/Sp_ds.left.fq.gz at /home/user/bin/trinity/Trinity line 2550.
main::create_full_path('ARRAY(0x1d15680)', 1) called at /home/user/bin/trinity/Trinity line 1207
Anyone care to explain how i can solve this? The files are in the rna_data directory just as they're supposed to be, I've checked
Where is the rna_data directory relative to where you are running Trinity? The error suggests it's an issue with paths. One option might be to use absolute paths instead of these relative ones
Ty very much! Absolute path worked After some trial and error i also figured out I was in /rna_seq/rna_data and I should have been running trinity from rna_seq