Hello, I am trying to convert genes.gtf to genes.bed with gtf2bed from bedops.
gtf2bed < genes.gtf >genes.bed
But, it stopped with the message: "Unable to access --max-mem", anyone has similar quesitions?
Hello, I am trying to convert genes.gtf to genes.bed with gtf2bed from bedops.
gtf2bed < genes.gtf >genes.bed
But, it stopped with the message: "Unable to access --max-mem", anyone has similar quesitions?
The default "--max-mem" parameter for sorting bed file is 2Gb. It seems that your system has less RAM than 2Gb. You can use this parameter to specify how much RAM you want to devote for sorting purpose. Try
gtf2bed --max-mem 1G < genes.gtf >genes.bed
gtf2bed --max-mem 500M < genes.gtf >genes.bed
Additionally, you can use "--do-not-sort" option if you don't want to sort your bed file that will be created from the gtf file.
I found this link http://ea-utils.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/clipper/gtf2bed
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I have edited the title so that Alex Reynolds can easily find this post. He is the author of BEDOPS.
I don't have much to go on here, so if you can add some details, that would be very helpful. What versions of Python and BEDOPS are you running (and on what platform), and can you post your GTF file somewhere public for me to test on this end? Can you also post a full transcript of the error message?