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2.0 years ago
Hayler Edu
Hello everyone.
I'm writing because I want to do an alignment with bbmap.sh but have a problem.
This is my scrip:
bbmap.sh ref=GCF_001660625.2_IpCoco_1.2_genomic.fna -I pimm1_Pg594_il.fastq.gz -O pimm1_Pg594_il.sam
When I try to execute the script I have this error:
/home/hayler99/miniconda3/envs/bbtools/bin/bbmap.sh: line 347: java: command not found
I tried to put the PATH in the bashrc but it didn't work, so I don't know what to do.
I hope that someone can help me :)
I wish a happy new year to everyone in this excellent community.
The alignment command also needs to be
Use an appropriate value for memory (
depending on the size of your genome e.g. 30G for human genome)