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2.2 years ago
Hi, I prepared a .sam file for a paired-end sample through Hisat2 aligner. Now, I want to create a count file. So, I installed the HTSeq application. The target GTF file(hg19.ensGene.gtf.gz) was downloaded from this link.
Now, I run the below command but in SRR6672521.count
I can’t find any information. In fact, htseq-count
function does work but the final result file(SRR6672521.count) is empty.
htseq-count -i gene_name SRR6672521.sam hg19.ncbiRefSeq.gtf > SRR6672521.count
I appreciate it if anybody shares his/her comment with me.
Best regards
Is there anything on stderr?
There is a similar issue on their GitHub: https://github.com/simon-anders/htseq/issues/97
Try updating to the latest version, sorting your input file by name and converting to bam.
Hi, Thank you for your comment. I updated to the last version and the problem was solved.
Best wishes