Hi all,
Can someone tell me why naming transcript_id "jg1.t1"; gene_id "jg1"; at a gtf is not proper GFF file?
Thanks in advance
Hi all,
Can someone tell me why naming transcript_id "jg1.t1"; gene_id "jg1"; at a gtf is not proper GFF file?
Thanks in advance
GFF formats require ID
attributes for features (gene, transcript, exon, etc.) while in GTF you must have gene_id
for all features and ?transcript_id
for all features excepted gene feature.
For more details of differences between the two format, you can read this: https://agat.readthedocs.io/en/latest/gxf.html
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who said it's wrong ?
Softwares/packages such as EvidenceModeler, Augustus, and gff3tolkit always says that the ID is wrong.
This is a CDS, is there a transcript with
transcript_id "jg1.t1"
and/or a gene withgene_id "jg1"
in the very same file ?yes. The gtf look like this
or like this one I have converted it into gff3: