Hey, so I have been having a recurring error for the past week to no avail. Once I perform "FindVariableFeatures()" on a SeuratObject, I get the error:
seurat_object$var.genes<- FindVariableFeautres(seurat_object,
selection.method = "vst",
nfeatures = 4000)
"Error in ``[<-.data.frame
(*tmp*``, , i, value = new("Seurat", assays = list( :
replacement has 32285 rows, data has 38328"
I have also looked on the Seurat forum on GitHub, and again not much help. Looking for any input which is much needed. Thank you!
Please use a code block to paste your code and error. Using inline code doesn't work when the error has back-ticks in it.
Copy and paste the command and error message again, include a blank line at the end. Select all of it then click the