I'm attempting to implement strstr using the KMP method. This is the algorithm as described in Wikipedia. The temporal complexity of the KMP algorithm is O(n), where n is the length of the bigger string.
vector<int> KMP(string S, string K)
vector<int> T(K.size() + 1, -1);
vector<int> matches;
if(K.size() == 0)
return matches;
for(int i = 1; i <= K.size(); i++)
int pos = T[i - 1];
while(pos != -1 && K[pos] != K[i - 1]) pos = T[pos];
T[i] = pos + 1;
int sp = 0;
int kp = 0;
while(sp < S.size())
while(kp != -1 && (kp == K.size() || K[kp] != S[sp])) kp = T[kp];
if(kp == K.size()) matches.push_back(sp - K.size());
return matches;
I'm not sure how the complexity of this algorithm is O. (n). Can somebody explain how this code's complexity is O(n)?
How is this related to bioinformatics?
Follow up question: Why is this post almost a word-for-word copy of https://forum.wearedevs.net/t/29958?