So I really can not find anything on search to solve my query; if it exists, I apologise!
I'm working on a college project involving threaded binary trees. In other words, several types of traversals - inorder, postorder, and preorder on double TBT.
The TBTNode struct is as follows:
struct TBTNode {
TBTNode *left, *right, *parent;
char data;
bool left_normal, right_normal;
TBTNode(char d) {
data = d;
left = NULL;
right = NULL;
parent = NULL;
left_normal = true;
right_normal = true;
You'll notice that the only difference between a Binary Tree node and a TBT node is that the node's attributes, namely left,right normal, are set to true when needed.
I have the following to make the tree:
class TBT {
TBTNode *root;
TBT() {
root = new TBTNode(0);
root->right = root;
root->right_normal = true;
cout << "Root:" ;
root->left = create();
root->left_normal = true;
TBTNode* create();
TBTNode* TBT::create() {
char data;
TBTNode *node = NULL;
cout << endl << "Enter data (0 to quit): ";
cin >> data;
if(data == '0')
return NULL;
node = new TBTNode(data);
cout << endl << "Enter left child of " << data;
node->left = create();
node->left->parent = node;
else {
node->left = root;
node->right = node->parent;
node->left_normal = node->right_normal = false;
cout << endl << "Enter right child of " << data;
node->right = create();
node->right->parent = node;
else {
node->left = node;
node->right = node->parent->parent;
node->left_normal = node->right_normal = false;
return node;
Following recursively creating the tree with the preceding code, I want to convert it to a double threaded binary tree. I understand that the left child is linked to the kid's inorder predecessor and the right child to the child's inorder successor, but I am unable to design an algorithm. Can somebody assist me?
it's unrelated to bionformatics , ask
okay thanks for telling me.