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23 months ago
I referenced other poster that is
"Extract SNPs flanking sequences based on VCF
and genome Fasta files"
import pysam
# open vcf file
vcf = pysam.VariantFile("Lespedeza_GBS_96ea_Filtered_SNP_77449.vcf")
# open fasta file
genome = pysam.FastaFile("Lespedeza_assembled_contig.fa")
# define by how many bases the variant should be flanked
flank = 50
# iterate over each variant
for record in vcf:
# extract sequence
# The start position is calculated by subtract the number of bases
# given by 'flank' from the variant position. The position in the vcf file
# is 1-based. pysam's fetch() expected 0-base coordinate. That's why we
# need to subtract on more base.
# The end position is calculated by adding the number of bases
# given by 'flank' to the variant position. We also need to add the length
# of the REF value and subtract again 1 due to the 0-based/1-based thing.
# Now we have the complete sequence like this:
# [number of bases given by flank]+REF+[number of bases given by flank]
seq = genome.fetch(record.chrom, record.pos-1-flank, record.pos-1+len(record.ref)+flank)
# print out tab seperated columns:
# CRHOM, POS, REF, ALT, flanking sequencing with variant given in the format '[REF/ALT]'
'{}[{}/{}]{}'.format(seq[:flank], record.ref, record.alts[0], seq[flank+len(record.ref):]),
This work very well. But when I running this script, there was a problem.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./flaking.py", line 26, in <module>
seq = genome.fetch(record.chrom, record.pos-1-flank, record.pos-1+len(record.ref)+flank)
File "pysam/libcfaidx.pyx", line 290, in pysam.libcfaidx.FastaFile.fetch
File "pysam/libcutils.pyx", line 252, in pysam.libcutils.parse_region
ValueError: start out of range (-10)
It would be start position of flanking sequence < 0, that cause this error.
Instead of calling an error with making the program stop, can I continue finding for flanking sequences?
Thank you for your rapid reply. I am basic in python. Please tell me how to add
statemet in my code.https://www.google.com/search?channel=fs&client=ubuntu&q=min+python